…To The Beat of a Dead Horse
SIDE A01. And Now It's Happening In Mine
02. Honest Sleep
03. Cadence
04. Throwing Copper
05. Swimming With Sharks
06. History Reshits Itself (featuring Geoff Rickly)
07. Suckerfish
08. Broken Records
09. Nine
10. Always Running Never Looking Back (featuring Jeff Eaton)
11. Adieux
Released August 4, 2009
Jeremy Bolm - Vocals
Nick Steinhardt - Bass
Clayton Stevens - Guitar
Tyson White - Guitar
Engineering - Alex Estrada at Earth Capital
Mastering by Paul Miner
Guest Vocals on "History Reshits Itself" by Geoff Rickly
Guest Vocals on "Always Running, Never Looking Back" by Jeff Eaton
Drum Tracking by Jeremy Zsupnik
Design & Illustrations - Nick Steinhardt
Released August 9th, 2009 on 6131 Records w/ association of Collect Records.
1) Jeremy Zsupnik had quit the band before recording this album. It was his decision to be left off the credits and only listed as "drum tracking by". The band had considered breaking up before recording the album due to his leaving. We didn't want to let the effort of writing go to waste so we chose to record it anyway. I believe it was during the process of recording that we decided to figure out a new drummer. You may notice Elliot is credited as the drummer of the band after the first press, though he did not play on the album. We just loved him so much we wanted to give him credit for being the one to play all these songs live in the years proceeding.
2) When Jeff Eaton came in to do his vocals, he told us it was his first time raising his voice since the last Modern Life is War show. He nailed it first take. He also does some one of the backup screams in Suckerfish. Jeff had moved to Los Angeles after MLIW split. Jeremy met him at a show and asked if he'd be interested in doing vocals on the record. Being a complete stranger, he still accepted. Jeff Eaton is cool as fuck.
3) Geoff Rickly recorded his vocals on his own and emailed them to us. One of the most exciting moments was playing them over the track for the first time. Forever in debt.
4) The album cover was re-drawn to scale for each format. You'll notice they all look different (LP, POSTER INSERT, 10", CD).
5) Though this record is considered a split release between 6131 Records and Collect Records, we give the main credit to 6131 as they handled all the labor and distro and carried it to where it is today. Collect was Geoff Rickly's brainchild label and this was many years before he met Martin Shrekli who later became an investor for his label. We are forever thankful to Geoff for taking us on tour around the time of it's release.